February 23, 2025, 10:30 amSUNDAY MORNING SERVICE
The Christianity We Haven’t Tried Yet Patricia Hofmann
The modern Christian Bible may be the final Word (for now), but it is not the whole Word. There were other Gospels and Scriptures which didn’t “make the cut” when the Bible was codified to create one lens through which to see Christianity – one unified Word. Hidden for centuries, these "lost" Gospels and Scriptures widen the lens, offering a less dogmatic and more inclusive, pluralistic “Word,” opening the door to a Christian church “whose doors are ripped off at the hinges” - a “Christianity that includes all that has been left out – the Christianity that we haven’t tried yet.”
We'll be meeting in person AND streaming live on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 813 9047 9972
Passcode: 640541
March 2, 2025, 10:30 amSUNDAY MORNING SERVICE
Sermon: The Christianity We Haven’t Tried Yet
Patricia Hofmann
March 9, 2025, 10:30 amSUNDAY MORNING SERVICE
Sermon: The Christianity We Haven’t Tried Yet
Patricia Hofmann
March 16, 2025, 10:30 amSUNDAY MORNING SERVICE
Sermon: The Christianity We Haven’t Tried Yet
Patricia Hofmann
March 23, 2025, 10:30 amSUNDAY MORNING SERVICE
Sermon: The Christianity We Haven’t Tried Yet
Patricia Hofmann