As Director of Religious Education at Beverly Unitarian Church, I welcome you. Finding the right religious education program for your child involves asking questions. I hope you will join us to see if Unitarian Universalist religious education is the answer for you and your family! We invite you to meet with me or to attend a class with your child to see what we are all about!
At Beverly Unitarian, we seek to engage the spirit, imagination, and sense of curiosity of children from preschool through eighth grade. We teach our children that big questions have many answers. Our small classes give many opportunities to address the needs of each child. The children’s program includes teaching what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist, respecting the worth and dignity of all people and appreciating the interdependent web of life.
Sunday mornings begin at 10:30 in the church sanctuary where children attend the beginning of the worship service with their families. Typically, a “Time for All Ages” story is told before the congregation sings the children off to their classes. Children under five can be brought to our nursery before or during the worship service.
High schoolers often attend the entire Sunday worship service with adults. I also work with them to plan activities that promote social justice or support church volunteer activities.
Each year the children present a Holiday Pageant to mark the winter holidays and they present an Earth Day program in the spring that addresses environmental issues.
Our congregation periodically offers Our Whole Lives (OWL) to the youth in the community because we believe that it equips participants with accurate, age-appropriate information in six subject areas: human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, and society and culture. OWL is a non-denominational, sexuality education curriculum based on the guidelines of the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States.
Grounded in a holistic view of sexuality, OWL provides facts about anatomy and human development, learning about the emotional and physical aspects of puberty, and helps participants clarify their values and build healthy interpersonal relationships.
Amanda Price
Director of Religious Education