September 15, 2024, 10:30 amSunday Morning Worship
Sermon: Unified, Not Uniform
Katrina Pavlik
Unified, Not Uniform Katrina Pavlik
What can Unitarian Universalism teach us about being a participant in a civil society? What does it mean to believe something and hold space for the beliefs of our neighbors? Join in the exploration and be prepared to talk to your neighbor!
We'll be meeting in person AND streaming live on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 813 9047 9972
Passcode: 640541
September potluck brunch and Green Sanctuary meeting follow our morning Service.
Click Zoom icon for Live Service and use:
Meeting ID: 878 8192 9342
Passcode: 231292
Childcare and religious education are available during services. We encourage full vaccination and attendance by well children in the Sanctuary and RE. Currently, masking is optional. Your Safety Committee is continuously tracking the pandemic risk levels and will adjust requirements or recommendations as needed.