• July 28, 2024, 10:30 am

    Sunday Morning Service

    Sermon: Advocacy: Stick up for Yourself, for Others, and for our Values

    Rev. Allen and Kate Holt

    Advocacy: Stick up for Yourself, for Others, and for our Values Rev. Allen and Kate Holt

     How do we make our values come alive, and work to make them visible in the larger world around us? Often, the frustrating part of caring is realizing that change is hard and, too often, elusive. But sometimes change can happen. Rev. Allen is inspired by new member Kate Holt. After her then employer, the City of Springfield, refused to support her request to get health insurance benefits for transgender care, Kate and the ACLU decided to challenge the position that felt

    unfair and discriminatory. The Illinois Human Rights Commission took this case and set precedent by claiming that exclusion of gender-affirming care from employee insurance plans violates Illinois civil rights law, including protections for sex and gender identity. Policy was changed in Springfield, and barriers to this potentially life-saving care are being removed in other jurisdictions as a result. We all can be inspired by knowing that sometimes, goodness does prevail.
    Fourth Sunday offering for migrant support.  Please use check memo line. 

    We'll be meeting in person AND streaming live on Zoom.
    Join Zoom Meeting
    Meeting ID: 838 9848 4557
    Passcode: 708614

Click Zoom icon for Live Service and use:
Meeting ID: 878 8192 9342
Passcode: 231292

Childcare and religious education are available during services. We encourage full vaccination and attendance by well children in the Sanctuary and RE. Currently, masking is optional. Your Safety Committee is continuously tracking the pandemic risk levels and will adjust requirements or recommendations as needed.

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