Unitarian Universalists have been actively involved in environmental activism for many years. Access The Climate and Environmental Justice section on the Unitarian Universalism Website: www.uua.org to learn about national and international initiatives.
Green Sanctuary Program
Our congregation has demonstrated our commitment to environmental justice by aligning values and actions as a certified Green Sanctuary. The Green Sanctuary program has helped more than 230 UU congregations live out this commitment through spiritual connection, education, sustainable living, and social justice. The Green Sanctuary began as an affiliated group of the church and became a subcommittee of the BUC Social Action Committee in 2016. We sponsor environmental events, and contribute to BUC’s sustainable efforts, e.g., providing direct trade Equal Exchange Coffee for Sunday Coffee Hour.
The most visible activity of Beverly Unitarian Church’s Green Sanctuary initiatives has been to collect Household Electronics and Hazardous Waste for responsible recycling or disposal for more than 15 years. These events have attracted hundreds of neighborhood residents to collections in the Castle parking lot.
In collaboration with Morgan Park Methodist Church and environmental organizations we have led collections for hazardous items in other neighborhoods as well.